Homeowners Insurance in and around Las Vegas
Las Vegas, make sure your house has a strong foundation with coverage from State Farm.
The key to great homeowners insurance.

Would you like to create a personalized homeowners quote?
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Insure Your Home With State Farm's Homeowners Insurance
Everyone knows having great home insurance is essential in case of a fire, hailstorm or ice storm. But homeowners insurance is about more than covering natural disaster damage. An additional feature of home insurance is that it also covers you in certain legal cases. If someone gets hurt due to your careless error, you could be held responsible for the cost of their recovery or their medical bills. With good home coverage, your insurance may cover those costs.
Las Vegas, make sure your house has a strong foundation with coverage from State Farm.
The key to great homeowners insurance.

Agent Mike Whitford, At Your Service
That’s why your friends and neighbors in Las Vegas turn to State Farm Agent Mike Whitford. Mike Whitford can walk you through your liabilities and help you find the most appropriate coverage for you.
There's nothing better than a clean house and coverage with State Farm that is dependable and reliable. Make sure your home is insured by contacting Mike Whitford today!
Have More Questions About Homeowners Insurance?
Call Mike at (702) 463-2400 or visit our FAQ page.

Protect your place from electrical fires
State Farm and Ting* can help you prevent electrical fires before they happen - for free.
Ting program only available to eligible State Farm Non-Tenant Homeowner policyholders
Explore Ting*The State Farm Ting program is currently unavailable in AK, DE, NC, SD and WY
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State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
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